(so finally I also will put post in English as many asked me to)
My ”ahah” feeling was when a human behaviorist (that later became my mentor and friend for over 9 years) Roger Lindberg said that I was a ”Transformational Leader”.
I knew that I did manage and lead people differently from other managers at that time and with great success, but didn’t understand the way it happened? When Roger explained how Transformational Leaders acted and how the worked, the feedback I got during all years from man managers and subordinates make sense.
So I putted up the feedback I got during my almost 25 years as manager on a ”wall website” just to get a overview. I also used it as a booster sometimes when the job was tough and days when I wasn’t so happy. At the same time I got the prof and understood that Roger was right (as always). Previous this wall website (in Tumblr) was only for myself, but after Roger past away I open the site for everyone to read…
I wanted to give back to other the things I learnt from Roger and I have tried to do that by creating the Linked In Groups ”Share It Leadership”, my leadership blog (so far on Swedish but will include English) and also try to be in networks where I could mission the modern leadership for sustainability and for the coming better society.
Not much, but if many small parts put together in a structure way – change and create a big impact. Now my aim is to become a Transcendence Leader… the newest leadership that has courage, compassion, transcendence as a trade mark!
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